Saturday, April 30, 2011


Fossil is simply killing it as a brand in my book right now. Their merchandise is obviously fetch, but their blog is super awesome and full of treats. Definitely check out their Fossil. Life. Style. page, too.

In the meantime, here are a few key items I have on my birthday wish list this year. I find them awesome.

I love watches and can't stop thinking about this one since I saw it debut just a few days ago.
Stella Aluminum Purple Chronograph Watch

Vintage Arrow Pin

Thinking this would look super chick on a tan blazer. I've seen those all over the magazines for spring.

Blossom Stack Rings

Yay Fossil!
Pia The Pig

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Awesome Story

I was going to email this to my preggo readers but then thought we might all need a laugh today. One of my dearest friends is about to pop (maybe a few weeks to go, though). Turns out earlier today, she called her husband convinced her water broke. This is on the heels of a trip out of town and not the ideal place to give birth.

After further review, it was not her water that was providing the moisture on the seat, but her French Vanilla coffee creamer, which she thought she'd poured into, naturally, her coffee cup, but instead, her McDonalds bag which had seeped into the seat. So, false alarm! "But it was tingly!"


This brought to mind my other friend, whose water broke at the very beginning of Black Swan, yet she found Natty P's performance so riveting, she stayed through the entire movie. And then home for another two hours.

You pregnant ladies are brave. God Bless You.

Pia The Pig

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

These Are Awesome

A smart, simple ad campaign for Mint Vinetu by Lithuanian ad agency Love.

I spotted these over on Black Eiffel in this post. Truly fabulous.

Pia The Pig

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My lovebug Bert turned a big nine over the weekend. I've had him for almost seven of those years and he continues to make me laugh every day.

Bert, may you grow big and strong, like this monster.

Pia The Pig

Awesome News I Can Finally Share

In cased you missed it on Facebook, my sweet little nephew Jack is going to have a little sister or brother around November 1st. My awesome brother and sister in-law are preggooooooo!

Make room in that Mini, Jack!

Pia The Pig

The Most Awesome Cupcake In The World


In honor of the Original Keyboard Cat, I am devoting a good hour this morning attempting to have his song as my phone's ringtone. Updates on that later.

Also, Happy Birthday Pam! Play her off, Keyboard Cat. Have a great day!

Pia The Pig


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